
Looking to the future...

You always wonder what the future has in store for you. Today, I stop wondering. I make it happen. Sometimes you get caught up in the moment. I have been caught there since I met Joshie. When does that moment stop? Does it really stop, or does it just continue.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just happened across your blog, and although it's refreshing to see such a lovely lady being so reflective, I cannot help but observe that you are not making strict logical sense. If you are trying to take hold of your future and create it, as you say, then how are you still caught in the moment? If you are caught in the moment, then you are caught in the present. If you admit to being caught, then you are not creating your future as such. You are not the mover, but the one which is being moved.
I hope this observation does not discourage you from further ruminations along your life long journey of ever-changing and ever-expanding growth.